SLO Trail

SLO100 2018 21.09.2018. 16:00 23.09.2018. 20:00 More...

Finished 134 registered, 109 paid, 134 numbered, 92 - FIN 31 - DNS 9 - DNF 2 - DSQ

AUT 3 Austria
CRO 5 Croatia
DEN 2 Denmark
ESP 1 Spain
GER 2 Germany
HUN 1 Hungary
ITA 11 Italy
NED 1 Netherlands
SLO 105 Slovenia
SRB 2 Serbia
SVK 1 Slovakia

AUT 3 Austria
CRO 2 Croatia
DEN 2 Denmark
GER 2 Germany
HUN 1 Hungary
ITA 9 Italy
NED 1 Netherlands
SLO 86 Slovenia
SRB 2 Serbia
SVK 1 Slovakia

AUT 3 Austria
CRO 5 Croatia
DEN 2 Denmark
ESP 1 Spain
GER 2 Germany
HUN 1 Hungary
ITA 11 Italy
NED 1 Netherlands
SLO 105 Slovenia
SRB 2 Serbia
SVK 1 Slovakia

Race :: 3 :: Organiser :: SLO Trail

SLO Trail

PROTEUS - 22 KM 22.09.2018. 09:00 22.09.2018. 15:00 22 km 980 m 980 m More...

Finished :: 43 registered, 36 paid, 43 numbered, 29 - FIN 12 - DNS 2 - DNF

CRO 2 Croatia
ITA 2 Italy
SLO 38 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

CRO 2 Croatia
ITA 1 Italy
SLO 32 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

CRO 2 Croatia
ITA 2 Italy
SLO 38 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

Registered Competitors Results


  • Start: Turistično naselja Pivka Jama, Veliki otok 50, 6230 Postojna, 22. september 2018, 09:00,
  • Finish: Turistično naselja Pivka Jama,
  • Length: 22 km,
  • Positive altitude difference: D+ 1000 m | D- 1000 m,
  • Time limit: 6 h,
  • 2 refreshment points: Lovrenc, Planina


Each competitor is competing exclusively at their own responsibility, whereby they are obliged to take into account the inherent risk to trail running, including their own personal physical and mental abilities, considering the demands and the length of the trail

  1. Competitors must make sure they protect the natural surroundings. Any kind of littering or destruction of natural habitats is strictly prohibited. Waste will be able to be disposed of at all control points.
  2. The competition trail will be marked. Competitors should stick exclusively to the marked trail and report to the organisational team at each control point. Making short-cuts on the trail is not allowed.
  3. The race includes running on roads that feature public transport. Competitors should respect the traffic regulations on roads with public transport.
  4. Competitors need to run the trail on their own. Supply and an accompanying team is only allowed within the refreshment point areas. Any trailing along and supplying the ompetitors beyond the designated zones is prohibited.
  5. Competitors are not allowed to use any means of transport (bike, car…) Any physical assistance to competitors in the sense of moving along the trail is prohibited. Cheating is not allowed.
  6. Competitors must wear their starting numbers in a visible position throughout the race.
  7. Competitors may only change their gear or equipment at designated points.
  8. Before starting the race, competitors will have to display the mandatory gear. Competitors must carry this gear throughout the race and display all of the items listed below upon request of the organising team. The list of mandatory items includes the following:
  • Water carries or flasks with a min. 1l of water,
  • A cup to drink from,
  • First aid kit,
  • Astro foil,
  • GSM phone that has emergency numbers available,
  • Personal document,

The mandatory gear is the minimum required equipment. We recommend that competitors take their tried and tested gear that will protect them from weather and other impacts on the trail. Use of walking canes is advisable, but is not mandatory.

By applying to enter the race and paying the registration fee competitors confirm that they are aware of and understand all rules of the competition and agree therewith, and undertake to comply with the rules and to take part at their own responsibility.

Any type of failure to comply with the rules will mean disqualification for the respective participant.

SLO Trail

JAKOB - 50 KM 22.09.2018. 07:00 22.09.2018. 17:00 50 km 2080 m 2080 m More...

Finished :: 51 registered, 40 paid, 51 numbered, 38 - FIN 11 - DNS 2 - DSQ

CRO 1 Croatia
ESP 1 Spain
GER 1 Germany
HUN 1 Hungary
ITA 3 Italy
SLO 43 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

GER 1 Germany
HUN 1 Hungary
ITA 2 Italy
SLO 35 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

CRO 1 Croatia
ESP 1 Spain
GER 1 Germany
HUN 1 Hungary
ITA 3 Italy
SLO 43 Slovenia
SRB 1 Serbia

Registered Competitors Results


3 ITRA qualifying point for 2019 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® registrations

  • Start: Turistično naselja Pivka Jama, Veliki otok 50, 6230 Postojna, 22. september 2018, 07:00
  • Finish: Turistično naselja Pivka Jama,
  • Length: 50 km,
  • Positive altitude difference: D+ 2080 m | D- 2080 m,
  • Time limit: 10 h,
  • 5 refreshment points: Lovrenc, Planina, Rakov Škocjan, Polana, Kalić


Each competitor is competing exclusively at their own responsibility, whereby they are obliged to take into account the inherent risk to trail running, including their own personal physical and mental abilities, considering the demands and the length of the trail. Before registering for the race, competitors should test their realistic abilities of semi-autonomy on long distance trail runs in conditions similar to those on the actual race (mountain trails), as well as their preparedness to independently solve problems, which can occur in these types of activities, particularly the challenges of the climatic conditions (altitude, night, fog, wind, rain…), remaining confident that they are able to overcome the problems that are brought about by fatigue, minor digestive disorders and upset stomachs, as well as the physical and mental strain of the trail, independently. Competitors should be totally aware that the role of the organiser is not solving said problems and that safety during the competition is completely dependent on the individual competitor’s ability to adapt to the prevailing circumstances.

  1. Competitors must make sure they protect the natural surroundings. Any kind of littering or destruction of natural habitats is strictly prohibited. Waste will be able to be disposed of at all control points.
  2. The competition trail will be marked. Competitors should stick exclusively to the marked trail and report to the organisational team at each control point. Making short-cuts on the trail is not allowed.
  3. The race includes running on roads that feature public transport. Competitors should respect the traffic regulations on roads with public transport.
  4. Competitors need to run the trail on their own. Supply and an accompanying team is only allowed within the refreshment point areas. Any trailing along and supplying the ompetitors beyond the designated zones is prohibited.
  5. Competitors are not allowed to use any means of transport (bike, car…) Any physical assistance to competitors in the sense of moving along the trail is prohibited. Cheating is not allowed.
  6. Competitors must wear their starting numbers in a visible position throughout the race.
  7. Competitors may only change their gear or equipment at designated points.
  8. Before starting the race, competitors will have to display the mandatory gear. Competitors must carry this gear throughout the race and display all of the items listed below upon request of the organising team. The list of mandatory items includes the following:
  • Water carries or flasks with a min. 1,5l of water,
  • A cup to drink from,
  • Spare food,
  • A whistle,
  • Headlamp,
  • First aid kit,
  • Astro foil,
  • GSM phone that has emergency numbers available,
  • Personal document,

The mandatory gear is the minimum required equipment. We recommend that competitors take their tried and tested gear that will protect them from weather and other impacts on the trail. Use of walking canes is advisable, but is not mandatory.

By applying to enter the race and paying the registration fee competitors confirm that they are aware of and understand all rules of the competition and agree therewith, and undertake to comply with the rules and to take part at their own responsibility.

Any type of failure to comply with the rules will mean disqualification for the respective participant.

SLO Trail

ERAZEM - 100 KM 21.09.2018. 23:00 23.09.2018. 07:00 103 km 4630 m 4630 m More...

Finished :: 40 registered, 33 paid, 40 numbered, 25 - FIN 8 - DNS 7 - DNF

AUT 3 Austria
CRO 2 Croatia
DEN 2 Denmark
GER 1 Germany
ITA 6 Italy
NED 1 Netherlands
SLO 24 Slovenia
SVK 1 Slovakia

AUT 3 Austria
DEN 2 Denmark
GER 1 Germany
ITA 6 Italy
NED 1 Netherlands
SLO 19 Slovenia
SVK 1 Slovakia

AUT 3 Austria
CRO 2 Croatia
DEN 2 Denmark
GER 1 Germany
ITA 6 Italy
NED 1 Netherlands
SLO 24 Slovenia
SVK 1 Slovakia

Registered Competitors Results


5 qualifying points ITRA for 2019 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® registrations

  • Start: Turistično naselja Pivka Jama, Veliki otok 50, 6230 Postojna, 21. september 2018, 23:00,
  • Finish: Turistično naselja Pivka Jama,
  • Length: 103 km,
  • Positive altitude difference: D+ 4630 m | D- 4630 m,
  • Time limit: 32 h,
  • 1 drop-off point with bags for personal items: Razdrto (60 km),
  • 7 refreshment points: Trnje, Petelinje, Volče, Razdrto (tranzicija), Abram, Strane, Gorenje.


Each competitor is competing exclusively at their own responsibility, whereby they are obliged to take into account the inherent risk to trail running, including their own personal physical and mental abilities, considering the demands and the length of the trail. Before registering for the race, competitors should test their realistic abilities of semi-autonomy on long distance trail runs in conditions similar to those on the actual race (mountain trails), as well as their preparedness to independently solve problems, which can occur in these types of activities, particularly the challenges of the climatic conditions (altitude, night, fog, wind, rain, snow), remaining confident that they are able to overcome the problems that are brought about by fatigue, minor digestive disorders and upset stomachs, as well as the physical and mental strain of the trail, independently. Competitors should be totally aware that the role of the organiser is not solving said problems and that safety during the competition is completely dependent on the individual competitor’s ability to adapt to the prevailing circumstances.

  1. Competitors must make sure they protect the natural surroundings. Any kind of littering or destruction of natural habitats is strictly prohibited. Waste will be able to be disposed of at all control points.
  2. The competition trail will be marked. Competitors should stick exclusively to the marked trail and report to the organisational team at each control point. Making short-cuts on the trail is not allowed.
  3. The race includes running on roads that feature public transport. Competitors should respect the traffic regulations on roads with public transport.
  4. Competitors need to run the trail on their own. Supply and an accompanying team is only allowed within the refreshment point areas. Any trailing along and supplying the ompetitors beyond the designated zones is prohibited.
  5. Competitors are not allowed to use any means of transport (bike, car…) Any physical assistance to competitors in the sense of moving along the trail is prohibited. Cheating is not allowed.
  6. Competitors must wear their starting numbers in a visible position throughout the race.
  7. Competitors must advance along the trail within the prescribed time limits and complete the trail within the prescribed total time imit. The time limits are as follows:
  • CP Razdrto (km 60) 15 h,9.2018 14:00
  • FINISH POSTOJNA (km 103) 34 h9.2018 07:00
  1. Competitors may only change their gear or equipment at designated points.
  2. Before starting the race, competitors will have to display the mandatory gear. Competitors must carry this gear throughout the race and display all of the items listed below upon request of the organising team. The list of mandatory items includes the following:
  • Water carries or flasks with a min. 1,5l of water,
  • A cup to drink from,
  • Spare food,
  • A whistle,
  • Headlamp with spare batteries,
  • First aid kit,
  • Astro foil,
  • Goretex wind and rain jacket,
  • GSM phone that has emergency numbers available,
  • Personal document,

The mandatory gear is the minimum required equipment. We recommend that competitors take their tried and tested gear that will protect them from weather and other impacts on the trail. Use of walking canes is advisable, but is not mandatory.

By applying to enter the race and paying the registration fee competitors confirm that they are aware of and understand all rules of the competition and agree therewith, and undertake to comply with the rules and to take part at their own responsibility.

Any type of failure to comply with the rules will mean disqualification for the respective participant.


SLO Trail

Športno društvo Slovenske steze – SLO trail

Payment and correction of race results
  • Organiser SLO Trail is responsible for accuracy of race data, opening and closing of registrations and recording of the race fee payment.
  • This website does not have access to the organiser bank account.
  • Please ask the organiser SLO Trail directly regarding the payments and other race information.
  • Any other questions regarding race results should be sent to



Phone: +386 (41) 473 529

Address: Bratov Čebuljev ulica 15, Ljubljana, SLO - Slovenia

Organiser links

Športno društvo Slovenske Steze – SLO TRAIL je društvena organizacija. Deluje na področju organizacije tekmovanj ter ostalih aktivnosti v korist športa in narave, promocije rekreativnih športnikov in tekmovalcev, izobraževanja na športnem področju, združuje odrasle, mladino in otroke ter jih spodbuja, organizirano uvaja in vodi v raznovrstne oblike športne rekreacije ter telesne vzgoje, zaradi varovanja njihovega zdravja in vitalnosti, razvijanja ustvarjalnosti in osebnega zadovoljstva, delovnih sposobnosti ter oblikovanja celovite osebnosti.

Društvo ima v prizadevanjih za napredek in razvoj športa predvsem naslednje cilje:

– skrb za razvoj telesne kulture in športa v skladu s potrebami in željami mladine in odraslih,

– organiziranje primerne vadbe, treningov in drugih oblik udejstvovanja,

– razvijanje množičnosti, raznovrstnosti in vsestranskosti,

– skrb za naravo ter izobraževanja na tem področju.

Predsednik društva: Srečko Deželak